Orcad 官方文件
GitHub 範例
功能:可用 Tcl 語言控制 Orcad
View->Toolbar->Command Window Menu
- 查詢
- 印出目前動作指令
- SetOptionBool Journaling TRUE
SetOptionBool DisplayCommands TRUE
- 記錄動作過程的指令
- Macro -> record
Macro -> configure -> saveas
- Design Database Object Model
- Library Database Object Model
- Database class hierarchy
- 查詢指令必須連同繼承的一併查詢,才足夠完整
info commands DboLib_* 和 info commands DboBaseObject_*
- 基本
- 變數
- command 中的 subcommand
- 字串
- puts "xxx $abc"
後者的 $abc 將被當作變數替換掉
- puts {xxx $abc}
當作 raw data 直接輸出 xxx $abc
- List
- 賦值:list xxx yyy
- set ls [list "Cadence Design" Systems]
- 長度:llength $ls
- 第 n 個的值:lindex $ls n
- 數學
- 自定函數
- proc
- proc mul {i j} {
expr {$i*$j}
- 輸入變數前不用加上 $
- if、foreach、proc 等的大括號 { 必須在同一行,不然會出錯
- Tcl 版本
- 呼叫的方法
- command_with_classname $object <parameters>
- DboLib_GetName $lLib $lName
- $object command_without_classname <parameters>
- 字串轉換
- set lName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
- 因大部分的指令參數皆為 CString,需進行轉換
- puts [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lName]
- 內建的轉換函式
- DboTclHelper_sMakeLOGFONT
- DboTclHelper_sMakeBitmap
- DboTclHelper_sMakeBitMapData
- DboTclHelper_sMakeDboValue
- DboTclHelper_sMakeStdVector
- DboTclHelper_sMakeInt
- DboTclHelper_sMakeStdStr
- DboTclHelper_sMakeCPoint
- DboTclHelper_sMakeCString
- DboTclHelper_sMakeDboValueType
- DboTclHelper_sMakeCRect
- DboTclHelper_sGetCRectTopLeft
- DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX
- DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY
- DboTclHelper_sGetVectorSize
- DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr
- DboTclHelper_sGetCRectBottomRight
- DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtrFromVector
- source {xxx.tcl}
- set lSelObjs [GetSelectedObjects]
- RegisterAction <Label> <Enabler> <Accel> <Callback> <ViewType>
- 註冊指令至右鍵 more
- <Label>
- <Enabler>
- <Accel>
- <Callback>
- <ViewType>
- 指定可作用的 View,例: Schematic, PM, Empty; Value
RegisterAction "Context-Aware Rotate" "::capGUIUtils::capCARotateEnabler" "Ctrl+R" "::capGUIUtils::capCARotate" "Schematic
得到 Parts 的 attributes
# get the name
set lName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetName $lName
# get the location point
set lLocation [$lInst GetLocation $lStatus]
# get the location x
set lStartx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lLocation]
# get the location y
set lStarty [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lLocation]
# get the source library name
set lLibName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetSourceLibName $lLibName
# get the device designator
set lDeviceDesignator [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetReferenceDesignator $lDeviceDesignator
# get the rotation
set lRot [$lInst GetRotation $lStatus]
#get the contents lib name
set lContentsLibName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetContentsLibName $lContentsLibName
# get the contents view name
set lContentsViewName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetContentsViewName $lContentsViewName
# get the contents view type
set lType [$lInst GetContentsViewType $lStatus]
# get the primitive type
set lPrimitiveType [$lInst GetIsPrimitiveProp $lStatus]
# get the part value
set lValue [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetPartValue $lValue
# get the reference
set lReferenceName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetReference $lReferenceName
# get the bounding box on the page
set lBBox [$lInst GetOffsetBoundingBox $lStatus]
# get the top-left of the bbox
set lTopLeft [DboTclHelper_sGetCRectTopLeft $lBBox]
# get the bottom-right of the bbox
set lBottomRight [DboTclHelper_sGetCRectBottomRight $lBBox]
# get the x1
set lStartx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lTopLeft]
# get the y1
set lStarty [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lTopLeft]
# get the x2
set lEndx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lBottomRight]
# get the y2
set lEndy [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lBottomRight]
得到 wire attributes
# get the name
set lName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$ lWire GetName $lName
# get the net name
set lNetName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lWire GetNetName $lNetName
# get the start point
set lStart [$lWire GetStartPoint $lStatus]
set lStartx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lStart]
set lStarty [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lStart]
# get the end point
set lEnd [$lWire GetEndPoint $lStatus]
set lEndx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lEnd]
set lEndy [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lEnd]
# get the color
set lColor [$lWire GetColor $lStatus]
# get the net
set lNet [$lWire GetNet $lStatus]
其他範例可參考官方文件的 3.2.2~
# 放到 C:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\tools\capture\tclscripts\capAutoLoad
package require Tcl 8.4
package require DboTclWriteBasic 16.3.0
package provide capGUIUtils 1.0
set root {D:\Sun\Work\Software\MyCode\Tcl\Orcad}
source [file join $root replaceGlobalPower.tcl]
source [file join $root AddNetsToParts.tcl]
source [file join $root showProperty.tcl]
source [file join $root controlDBC.tcl]
顯示所有的 Property
# source {D:\Sun\Work\Software\MyCode\Tcl\Orcad\showProperty.tcl}
package require Tcl 8.4
package require DboTclWriteBasic 16.3.0
namespace eval ::capGUIUtils {
RegisterAction "ShowProperty" "::capGUIUtils::capShowPropertyEnabler" "" "::capGUIUtils::capShowProperty" "Schematic"
proc ::capGUIUtils::capShowPropertyEnabler {} {
set lEnableAdd 0
# Get the selected objects
set lSelObjs [GetSelectedObjects]
# Enable only for single object selection
if { [llength $lSelObjs] == 1 } {
# Enable only if a part or a hierarchical block is selected
set lObj [lindex $lSelObjs 0]
set lObjType [DboBaseObject_GetObjectType $lObj]
set lEnableAdd 1
return $lEnableAdd
proc ::capGUIUtils::capShowProperty {} {
set lStatus [DboState]
set lNullObj NULL
set lSelObjs [GetSelectedObjects]
set lInst [lindex $lSelObjs 0]
::capGUIUtils::showUserPropsIter $lInst
::capGUIUtils::showDisplayProps $lInst
::capGUIUtils::showEffectiveProps $lInst
proc ::capGUIUtils::showUserPropsIter {lObject} {
set lStatus [DboState]
set lPropsIter [$lObject NewUserPropsIter $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
#get the first user property on the object
set lUProp [$lPropsIter NextUserProp $lStatus]
while {$lUProp != $lNullObj } {
#placeholder: do your processing on $lUProp
set lName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
set lValue [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lUProp GetName $lName
$lUProp GetStringValue $lValue
puts "[DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lName]: [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lValue]"
#get the next user property on the object
set lUProp [$lPropsIter NextUserProp $lStatus]
delete_DboUserPropsIter $lPropsIter
proc ::capGUIUtils::showDisplayProps {lObject} {
set lStatus [DboState]
set lPropsIter [$lObject NewDisplayPropsIter $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
#get the first display property on the object
set lDProp [$lPropsIter NextProp $lStatus]
while {$lDProp != $lNullObj } {
#placeholder: do your processing on $lDProp
#get the name
set lName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lDProp GetName $lName
#get the location
set lLocation [$lDProp GetLocation $lStatus]
#get the rotation
set lRot [$lDProp GetRotation $lStatus]
#get the font
set lFont [DboTclHelper_sMakeLOGFONT]
set lStatus [$lDProp GetFont $::DboLib_DEFAULT_FONT_PROPERTY $lFont]
#get the color
set lColor [$lDProp GetColor $lStatus]
puts "lName:[DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lName], lLocation:([DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lLocation], [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lLocation]), lRot:$lRot, lFont:$lFont, lColor:$lColor"
#get the next display property on the object
set lDProp [$lPropsIter NextProp $lStatus]
delete_DboDisplayPropsIter $lPropsIter
proc ::capGUIUtils::showEffectiveProps {lObject} {
set lStatus [DboState]
set lPropsIter [$lObject NewEffectivePropsIter $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
#create the input/output parameters
set lPrpName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
set lPrpValue [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
set lPrpType [DboTclHelper_sMakeDboValueType]
set lEditable [DboTclHelper_sMakeInt]
#get the first effective property
set lStatus [$lPropsIter NextEffectiveProp $lPrpName $lPrpValue $lPrpType $lEditable]
while {[$lStatus OK] == 1} {
#placeholder: do your processing for $lPrpName $lPrpValue $lPrpType $lEditable
puts "lPrpName:[DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lPrpName], lPrpValue:[DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lPrpValue], lPrpType:$lPrpType, lEditable:$lEditable"
#get the next effective property
set lStatus [$lPropsIter NextEffectiveProp $lPrpName $lPrpValue $lPrpType $lEditable]
delete_DboEffectivePropsIter $lPropsIter
取代 Global Power 改為命名的線
# source {D:\Sun\Work\Software\MyCode\Tcl\Orcad\replaceGlobalPower.tcl}
package require Tcl 8.4
package require DboTclWriteBasic 16.3.0
# package provide capGUIUtils 1.0
namespace eval ::capGUIUtils {
# namespace export capRemoveSelectedGlobalsEnabler
# namespace export capRemoveSelectedGlobals
# namespace export capRemoveAllGlobals
RegisterAction "Remove Selected Globals" "::capGUIUtils::capRemoveSelectedGlobalsEnabler" "" "::capGUIUtils::capRemoveSelectedGlobals" "Schematic"
RegisterAction "Remove All Globals" "return 1" "" "::capGUIUtils::capRemoveAllGlobals" "Schematic"
proc ::capGUIUtils::capRemoveSelectedGlobalsEnabler {} {
set lEnableDS 0
# Get the selected objects
set lSelObjs [GetSelectedObjects]
# Enable only for single object selection
foreach lSelObj $lSelObjs {
set lObjType [DboBaseObject_GetObjectType $lSelObj]
puts "objType: $lObjType"
if { $lObjType == 37} {
return 1
return $lEnableDS
proc ::capGUIUtils::capRemoveAllGlobals {} {
set lStatus [DboState]
set lNullObj NULL
set lSession $::DboSession_s_pDboSession
DboSession -this $lSession
# set lDesignsIter [$lSession NewDesignsIter $lStatus]
# get the first design
# set lDesign [$lDesignsIter NextDesign $lStatus]
# delete_DboSessionDesignsIter $lDesignsIter
set lDesign [$lSession GetActiveDesign]
set lSchematicIter [$lDesign NewViewsIter $lStatus $::IterDefs_SCHEMATICS]
#get the first schematic view
set lView [$lSchematicIter NextView $lStatus]
while {$lView != $lNullObj} {
#dynamic cast from DboView to DboSchematic
set lSchematic [DboViewToDboSchematic $lView]
set lSchematicName [_getName $lSchematic]
#placeholder: do your processing on $lSchematic
set lPagesIter [$lSchematic NewPagesIter $lStatus]
#get the first page
set lPage [$lPagesIter NextPage $lStatus]
while {$lPage != $lNullObj} {
#placeholder: do your processing on $lPage
set lPageName [_getName $lPage]
OPage $lSchematicName $lPageName
::capGUIUtils::IterAllGlobal $lPage
#get the next page
set lPage [$lPagesIter NextPage $lStatus]
delete_DboSchematicPagesIter $lPagesIter
#get the next schematic view
set lView [$lSchematicIter NextView $lStatus]
delete_DboLibViewsIter $lSchematicIter
proc ::capGUIUtils::replaceNowPageAll {} {
if { [IsSchematicViewActive] == 1 } {
set lPage [GetActivePage]
::capGUIUtils::IterAllGlobal $lPage
} else {
capDisplayMessageBox "No schematic view active" "warning"
proc ::capGUIUtils::IterAllGlobal {lPage} {
set lStatus [DboState]
set lNullObj NULL
#placeholder: do your processing on $lPage
set lGlobalsIter [$lPage NewGlobalsIter $lStatus]
#get the first global
set lGlobal [$lGlobalsIter NextGlobal $lStatus]
while { $lGlobal != $lNullObj } {
#placeholder: do your processing on $lGlobal
::capGUIUtils::replacePowerToNetName $lGlobal
#get the next global
set lGlobal [$lGlobalsIter NextGlobal $lStatus]
delete_DboPageGlobalsIter $lGlobalsIter
proc ::capGUIUtils::capRemoveSelectedGlobals {} {
set lSelObjs [GetSelectedObjects]
foreach lSelObj $lSelObjs {
set lObjType [DboBaseObject_GetObjectType $lSelObj]
# puts $lObjType
if { $lObjType == 37} {
::capGUIUtils::replacePowerToNetName $lSelObj
proc ::capGUIUtils::replacePowerToNetName {lGlobal} {
set ClSymbolName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lGlobal GetSourceSymbolName $ClSymbolName
set lSymbolName [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $ClSymbolName]
puts "\nSymbolName: $lSymbolName"
# 得到名字
set lGlobalName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lGlobal GetName $lGlobalName
set lWireName [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lGlobalName]
puts "WireName: $lWireName"
if { [regexp {GND} $lWireName] } {
# 得到座標
set lStatus [DboState]
set lLocation [$lGlobal GetLocation $lStatus]
set lStartX [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lLocation]/100.0]
set lStartY [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lLocation]/100.0]
puts "Start: $lStartX , $lStartY"
# 得到端點座標
set lHotSpotPoint [$lGlobal GetOffsetHotSpot $lStatus]
set lHotSpotPointX [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lHotSpotPoint]/100.0]
set lHotSpotPointY [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lHotSpotPoint]/100.0]
puts "HotSpotPointY: $lHotSpotPointX , $lHotSpotPointY"
# 得到中心座標
set center [::capGUIUtils::_getCenter $lGlobal]
set centerX [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $center]/100.0]
set centerY [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $center]/100.0]
puts "center: $centerX , $centerY"
# 得到旋轉方向
set rotattion [$lGlobal GetRotation $lStatus]
# 命名線並畫線
switch $rotattion {
0 { # 上
set wireX [expr $lHotSpotPointX]
set wireY [expr $lHotSpotPointY]
PlaceWire $lHotSpotPointX $lHotSpotPointY [expr $lHotSpotPointX+0.01] [expr $lHotSpotPointY+0]
1 { # 左
set wireX [expr $lHotSpotPointX]
set wireY [expr $lHotSpotPointY]
PlaceWire $lHotSpotPointX $lHotSpotPointY [expr $lHotSpotPointX+0] [expr $lHotSpotPointY-0.01]
2 { # 下
set wireX [expr $lHotSpotPointX]
set wireY [expr $lHotSpotPointY]
PlaceWire $lHotSpotPointX $lHotSpotPointY [expr $lHotSpotPointX+0.01] [expr $lHotSpotPointY+0]
3 { # 右
set wireX [expr $lHotSpotPointX]
set wireY [expr $lHotSpotPointY]
PlaceWire $lHotSpotPointX $lHotSpotPointY [expr $lHotSpotPointX+0] [expr $lHotSpotPointY-0.01]
default {
puts "No define $rotattion"
puts "wire: $wireX , $wireY"
# 刪除 Global
SelectObject [expr $centerX] [expr $centerY] True
PlaceNetAlias $wireX $wireY $lWireName
proc ::capGUIUtils::_getName {obj} {
set lname [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$obj GetName $lname
return [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lname]
proc ::capGUIUtils::_getCenter {obj} {
set lStatus [DboState]
# set lBBox [$obj GetBoundingBox]
# set left [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX [DboTclHelper_sGetCRectTopLeft $lBBox]]
# set top [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY [DboTclHelper_sGetCRectTopLeft $lBBox]]
# set right [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX [DboTclHelper_sGetCRectBottomRight $lBBox]]
# set Bottom [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY [DboTclHelper_sGetCRectBottomRight $lBBox]]
# 得到端點座標
set lHotSpotPoint [$obj GetOffsetHotSpot $lStatus]
set lHotSpotPointX [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lHotSpotPoint]
set lHotSpotPointY [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lHotSpotPoint]
# 加入 offset
switch [$obj GetRotation $lStatus] {
0 { # 上
set offsetX 0
set offsetY -5
1 { # 左
set offsetX -5
set offsetY 0
2 { # 下
set offsetX 0
set offsetY 5
3 { # 右
set offsetX 5
set offsetY 0
default {
set offsetX 0
set offsetY 0
set centerX [expr $lHotSpotPointX + $offsetX]
set centerY [expr $lHotSpotPointY + $offsetY]
set center [DboTclHelper_sMakeCPoint $centerX $centerY]
return $center
將 Parts 的 Pin 畫上線
# source {D:\Sun\Work\Software\MyCode\Tcl\Orcad\AddNetsToParts.tcl}
package require Tcl 8.4
package require DboTclWriteBasic 16.3.0
# package provide capGUIUtils 1.0
namespace eval ::capGUIUtils {
# namespace export capAddNetsToPartEnabler
# namespace export capAddNetsToPart
RegisterAction "Add Nets To Part" "::capGUIUtils::capAddNetsToPartEnabler" "" "::capGUIUtils::capAddNetsToPart" "Schematic"
proc ::capGUIUtils::capAddNetsToPartEnabler {} {
set lEnableAdd 0
# Get the selected objects
set lSelObjs [GetSelectedObjects]
# Enable only for single object selection
if { [llength $lSelObjs] == 1 } {
# Enable only if a part or a hierarchical block is selected
set lObj [lindex $lSelObjs 0]
set lObjType [DboBaseObject_GetObjectType $lObj]
puts "objType: $lObjType"
if { $lObjType == 13} {
set lEnableAdd 1
return $lEnableAdd
proc ::capGUIUtils::capAddNetsToPart {} {
set lPage [GetActivePage]
set lUnits [$lPage GetIsMetric]
if { $lUnits } {
capDisplayMessageBox "請將 Page Units 改為 inch" "Error"
set lStatus [DboState]
set lNullObj NULL
set lSelObjs [GetSelectedObjects]
set lInst [lindex $lSelObjs 0]
set lIter [$lInst NewPinsIter $lStatus]
#get the first pin of the part
set lPin [$lIter NextPin $lStatus]
while {$lPin != $lNullObj } {
#placeholder: do your processing on $lPin
::capGUIUtils::capAddNetToPin $lPin
#get the next pin of the part
set lPin [$lIter NextPin $lStatus]
delete_DboPartInstPinsIter $lIter
proc ::capGUIUtils::capAddNetToPin {lPin} {
set lStatus [DboState]
set lNullObj NULL
set lWireLength 0.5
# 跳過已畫線
set lWire [$lPin GetWire $lStatus]
puts "lWire:$lWire"
if {$lWire != $lNullObj} {
# 得到 Pin Name
set lPinName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lPin GetPinName $lPinName
set lPinName [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lPinName]
puts "lPinName: $lPinName"
# 得到起始座標
set lStatus [DboState]
set lStartPoint [$lPin GetOffsetStartPoint $lStatus]
set lStartPointX [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lStartPoint]/100.0]
set lStartPointY [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lStartPoint]/100.0]
puts "Start: $lStartPointX , $lStartPointY"
# 得到端點座標
set lHotSpotPoint [$lPin GetOffsetHotSpot $lStatus]
set lHotSpotPointX [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lHotSpotPoint]/100.0]
set lHotSpotPointY [expr [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lHotSpotPoint]/100.0]
puts "HotSpotPointY: $lHotSpotPointX , $lHotSpotPointY"
# 畫線方向
set offsetX 0
set offsetY 0
if {$lHotSpotPointX > $lStartPointX} {
set offsetX $lWireLength
} elseif {$lHotSpotPointX < $lStartPointX} {
set offsetX [expr -$lWireLength]
if {$lHotSpotPointY > $lStartPointY} {
set offsetY $lWireLength
} elseif {$lHotSpotPointY < $lStartPointY} {
set offsetY [expr -$lWireLength]
puts "offset: $offsetX , $offsetY"
PlaceWire $lHotSpotPointX $lHotSpotPointY [expr $lHotSpotPointX+$offsetX] [expr $lHotSpotPointY+$offsetY]
PlaceNetAlias [expr $lHotSpotPointX+$offsetX/2] [expr $lHotSpotPointY+$offsetY/2] $lPinName
if {$offsetY != 0} {
set lWire [$lPin GetWire $lStatus]
set lAliasIter [$lWire NewAliasesIter $lStatus]
#get the first alias of wire
set lAlias [$lAliasIter NextAlias $lStatus]
$lAlias SetRotation 3
delete_DboWireAliasesIter $lAliasIter
控制 Database
# source {D:\Sun\Work\Software\MyCode\Tcl\Orcad\controlDBC.tcl}
# 顯示 DBC 路徑
proc showDBCName {} {
set lCfg [OrCISGetDbcConfig]
set lString [::CPMgtCfg_GetIniDBCName $lCfg]
puts [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lString]
# 進資料庫選擇元件,並擺放位置
proc placePartsInDB {value x y} {
MenuCommand "14567"
# "0402/0R*"
CISAddSearchQuery VALUE = $value
CISExplorerSelectOption 1 1 0
CISExplorerSelectOption 1 1 1
capMoveMouseAndClick $x $y
proc selectRefbyValue {lregValue} {
set lSession $::DboSession_s_pDboSession
DboSession -this $lSession
set lStatus [DboState]
set lNullObj NULL
set lDesignsIter [$lSession NewDesignsIter $lStatus]
# get the first design
set lDesign [$lDesignsIter NextDesign $lStatus]
while {$lDesign != $lNullObj} {
# placeholder: do your processing on $lDesign
set lSchematicIter [$lDesign NewViewsIter $lStatus $::IterDefs_SCHEMATICS]
#get the first schematic view
set lView [$lSchematicIter NextView $lStatus]
while {$lView != $lNullObj} {
#dynamic cast from DboView to DboSchematic
set lSchematic [DboViewToDboSchematic $lView]
#placeholder: do your processing on $lSchematic
set lPagesIter [$lSchematic NewPagesIter $lStatus]
#get the first page
set lPage [$lPagesIter NextPage $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
while {$lPage != $lNullObj} {
#placeholder: do your processing on $lPage
set lPartInstsIter [$lPage NewPartInstsIter $lStatus]
#get the first part inst
set lInst [$lPartInstsIter NextPartInst $lStatus]
while { $lInst != $lNullObj } {
set lRef [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetReference $lRef
set lRef [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lRef]
set lValue [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetPartValue $lValue
set lValue [DboTclHelper_sGetConstCharPtr $lValue]
puts "$lRef: $lValue"
if { [regexp $lregValue $lValue] } {
selectRefInDBC $lRef
set lInst [$lPartInstsIter NextPartInst $lStatus]
delete_DboPagePartInstsIter $lPartInstsIter
#get the next page
set lPage [$lPagesIter NextPage $lStatus]
delete_DboSchematicPagesIter $lPagesIter
#get the next schematic view
set lView [$lSchematicIter NextView $lStatus]
delete_DboLibViewsIter $lSchematicIter
# get the next design
set lDesign [$lDesignsIter NextDesign $lStatus]
delete_DboSessionDesignsIter $lDesignsIter
proc selectRefInDBC {lRef} {
# ui::PMActivate "c:/users/chihchieh.sun/desktop/test/tt.opj"
# Menu "Tools::Part Manager::Open"
# set lPM [GetPartManagerView]
SelectGroup Groups Common $lRef
proc linkDB {} {
CISExplorerSelectOption 1 1 0
CISExplorerSelectOption 1 1 1
proc deleteSelect {} {
MenuCommand "33014" | MessageBox "YES" "INFO(ORCIS-6327): Are you sure"
Tcl/Tk 教學文件
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