- 取得連結
- X
- 以電子郵件傳送
- 其他應用程式
pyswarm 官網
Particle swarm optimization
PSO 粒子群演算法
pyswarm 官網
- 隨機初始化粒子的位置與速率
- 計算初始粒子的 fitness
- While (直到滿足 threshold)
- 更新粒子速度與位置
$$ \begin{align*} v_i^t &= w\cdot v_i^{t-1}+w_p\cdot rand()\cdot (p_i-x_i^{t-1})+w_g\cdot rand()\cdot (g-x_i^{t-1})\\ x_i^t &= x_i^{t-1} + v_i^t \end{align*} $$ - \(v_i\):粒子的速度
- \(x_i\):粒子的位置
- \(w\):慣性速度權重
- \(w_p\):本身最佳解速度權重
- \(p_i\):本身最佳解位置
- \(w_g\):全體最佳解速度權重
- \(g\) :全體最佳解位置
- 更新粒子的 fitness
基本 PSO 與 pyswarm
import numpy as np from pyswarm import pso class PSO: pBest = [] pBestFitness = [] gBest = None gBestFitness = np.inf # 初始化 def __init__(self, fitness, bounds, swarmSize=100, w=0.5, wp=0.5, wg=0.5): ''' v = w*v + wp*(pBest-x) + wg*(gBest-x) ''' self.swarmSize = swarmSize self.fitness = fitness self.pNum = len(bounds) self.bounds = bounds self.w = w self.wp = wp self.wg = wg # 初始化粒子和速度 self.particles = np.zeros((self.swarmSize, self.pNum)) self.v = np.zeros((self.swarmSize, self.pNum)) for i, b in enumerate(self.bounds): self.particles[:,i] = np.random.uniform(b[0], b[1], self.swarmSize) self.v[:,i] = np.random.uniform(-b[1]+b[0], b[1]-b[0], self.swarmSize) # 初始化 fitness self.pBest = np.zeros((self.swarmSize, self.pNum)) self.pBestFitness = np.ones(self.swarmSize) * np.inf self.updateFitness() # 更新 fitness def updateFitness(self): for i, p in enumerate(self.particles): fit = self.fitness(p) if fit < self.pBestFitness[i]: self.pBest[i] = p self.pBestFitness[i] = fit if fit < self.gBestFitness: self.gBest = p self.gBestFitness = fit def run(self, threshold=0.01, updateThreshold=1e-4, maxiter=20): n = 0 while self.gBestFitness > threshold and n < maxiter: # 更新粒子速度 rp = np.random.rand() rg = np.random.rand() self.v = self.w*self.v + self.wp*rp*(self.pBest-self.particles) + self.wg*rg*(self.gBest-self.particles) # 更新粒子 self.particles = self.particles + self.v for i, b in enumerate(self.bounds): self.particles[:,i] = np.clip(self.particles[:,i], b[0], b[1]) # 計算 fitness old = self.gBestFitness self.updateFitness() # 若更新小於 0.001,持續 maxiter 次,則中止 if old - self.gBestFitness < 0.001: n += 1 else: n = 0 if n > maxiter: break return self.gBest, self.gBestFitness if __name__ == "__main__": def fitness(x): return (x[0]-5)**2 + (x[1]-10)**2 + (x[2]+10)**2 xopt, fopt = PSO(fitness, [(-1e10,1e10), (-1e10,1e10), (-1e10,1e10)]).run(threshold=1e-6) print("自製:{} {}".format(fopt, xopt)) xopt, fopt = pso(func=fitness, lb=(-1e10,-1e10,-1e10), ub=(1e10,1e10,1e10)) print("套件:{} {}".format(fopt, xopt))
PSO + 定期隨機
import numpy as np class PSO: pBest = [] pBestFitness = [] gBest = None gBestFitness = np.inf # 初始化 def __init__(self, fitness, bounds, swarmSize=100, w=0.5, wp=0.5, wg=0.5): ''' v = w*v + wp*(pBest-x) + wg*(gBest-x) ''' self.swarmSize = swarmSize self.fitness = fitness self.pNum = len(bounds) self.bounds = bounds self.w = w self.wp = wp self.wg = wg # 初始化粒子和速度 self.init_particles() # 初始化 fitness self.pBest = np.zeros((self.swarmSize, self.pNum)) self.pBestFitness = np.ones(self.swarmSize) * np.inf self.updateFitness() # 初始化粒子 def init_particles(self): self.particles = np.zeros((self.swarmSize, self.pNum)) self.v = np.zeros((self.swarmSize, self.pNum)) for i, b in enumerate(self.bounds): self.particles[:,i] = np.random.uniform(b[0], b[1], self.swarmSize) self.v[:,i] = np.random.uniform(-b[1]+b[0], b[1]-b[0], self.swarmSize) # 增加粒子 def produce_particles(self, addSize): self.swarmSize += addSize ps = np.zeros((addSize, self.pNum)) vs = np.zeros((addSize, self.pNum)) pbests = np.zeros((addSize, self.pNum)) pBestFitness = np.ones(addSize) * np.inf for i, b in enumerate(self.bounds): ps[:,i] = np.random.uniform(b[0], b[1], addSize) vs[:,i] = np.random.uniform(-b[1]+b[0], b[1]-b[0], addSize) self.particles = np.concatenate((ps, self.particles)) self.v = np.concatenate((vs, self.v)) self.pBest = np.concatenate((pbests, self.pBest)) self.pBestFitness = np.concatenate((pBestFitness, self.pBestFitness)) # 取代粒子 def replace_particles(self, replaceSize): # 重新排序 index = np.argsort(self.pBestFitness)[::-1] self.particles = self.particles[index] self.v = self.v[index] self.pBest = self.pBest[index] self.pBestFitness = self.pBestFitness[index] ps = np.zeros((replaceSize, self.pNum)) vs = np.zeros((replaceSize, self.pNum)) pbests = np.zeros((replaceSize, self.pNum)) pBestFitness = np.ones(replaceSize) * np.inf for i, b in enumerate(self.bounds): ps[:,i] = np.random.uniform(b[0], b[1], replaceSize) vs[:,i] = np.random.uniform(-b[1]+b[0], b[1]-b[0], replaceSize) self.particles[:replaceSize] = ps self.v[:replaceSize] = vs self.pBest[:replaceSize] = pbests self.pBestFitness[:replaceSize] = pBestFitness # 更新 fitness def updateFitness(self): for i, p in enumerate(self.particles): fit = self.fitness(p) if fit < self.pBestFitness[i]: self.pBest[i] = p self.pBestFitness[i] = fit if fit < self.gBestFitness: self.gBest = p self.gBestFitness = fit def run(self, threshold=0.01, maxiter=100, randIter=20): n = 0 try: while self.gBestFitness > threshold and n < maxiter: # 更新粒子速度 rp = np.random.rand() rg = np.random.rand() self.v = self.w*self.v + self.wp*rp*(self.pBest-self.particles) + self.wg*rg*(self.gBest-self.particles) # 更新粒子 self.particles = self.particles + self.v for i, b in enumerate(self.bounds): self.particles[:,i] = np.clip(self.particles[:,i], b[0], b[1]) # 計算 fitness old = self.gBestFitness self.updateFitness() # print(self.gBestFitness) if old - self.gBestFitness < threshold/10: n += 1 if n % randIter == 0: self.replace_particles(self.swarmSize//3*2) # print('replace, now Size: {}'.format(self.swarmSize)) self.produce_particles(self.swarmSize//10) # print('produce, now Size: {}'.format(self.swarmSize)) else: n = 0 if n > maxiter: break print(n) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Interrupt by user") return self.gBest, self.gBestFitness if __name__ == "__main__": def fitness(x): return (x[0]-5)**2 + (x[1]-10)**2 + (x[2]+10)**2 pso = PSO(fitness, [(-1e10,1e10), (-1e10,1e10), (-1e10,1e10)]) print(pso.run(threshold=1e-6))
[pso] 初步 - 粒子移動演算法精髓Particle swarm optimization
PSO 粒子群演算法