[Linux] 重灌事項記錄


  • fcitx
          sudo apt install fcitx fcitx-m17n
          sudo apt install fcitx-table-boshiamy
          # 切換輸入法為 fcitx
          # 登出
  • gcin
    需有字根檔 noseeing.gtab,請自行準備
          sudo apt install gcin
          # move noseeing.gtab to ~/.gcin
          # 切換輸入法為 gcin
          # 登出
  • hime
    需有字根檔 noseeing.gtab,請自行準備
          sudo apt install hime
          # move noseeing.gtab to ~/.config/hime
          # 切換輸入法為 hime
          # 登出
  • ibus
  • 官方下載檔案
  • PPA
          sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram
          sudo apt update
          sudo apt install telegram
  • 無法輸入中文解法
    因 QT 編寫的程式在 Gnome3 下常會遇到的問題
    需安裝對應輸入法的 qt5,例:fcitx-frontend-qt5, gcin-qt5-immodule, hime-qt5-immodule
    曾遇過 fcitx 仍無效,此時換為 hime 即可
          # xxx 可替換成目前的輸入法,例:fcitx, gcin, hime
          env QT_IM_MODULE=xxx ~/opt/Telegram/Telegram -- %u
  sudo mkdir /media/使用者名稱/資料夾名稱
  # 確認硬碟位置
  sudo fdisk -l
  # 依確認的硬碟位置
  sudo mount /dev/硬碟位置 /media/使用者名稱/資料夾名稱
  # 查詢 UUID
  blkid -s UUID
  # 編輯 /etc/fstab,格式如下
  # UUID=查詢到的UUID /media/使用者名稱/資料夾名稱    ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
  sudo vim /etc/fstab
window 遠端
  sudo apt install xrdp
  # 需依不同的桌面環境設定,LXDE 如下
  echo "lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE" > ~/.xsession
  # echo xfce4-session > ~/.xsession
  sudo service xrdp restart
  sudo apt install ssh
  sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  # Port 2202
  sudo ufw enable
  sudo ufw default deny incoming
  # for ssh
  sudo ufw allow 2202/tcp
  # for remote
  sudo ufw allow from to any port 3389
  # for web
  udo ufw allow 5000/tcp
  # 確認 ufw 設定
  sudo ufw status verbose
  alias python='python3'
  alias pythonDev='source ~/模板/venv/dev_venv/bin/activate'
  alias gnucash='~/.local/bin/gnucash'
  alias dropbox='python ~/dropbox.py'

  # golang 設定
  export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
  export GOPATH=$HOME/go
  # https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Backup
  dconf dump /org/gnucash/ > "GSettings.txt"
  # dconf load /org/gnucash/ < "GSettings.txt"
# https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building_On_Linux

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Installing the Build Tools;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install autoconf      # loads autoscan, autoconf and associated macros
sudo apt install automake
sudo apt install libtool
sudo apt install m4
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install cmake

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Getting the GnuCash sources;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
export VERSION=3.4                                                                        # One place to adjust the version;
export TARBALL=gnucash-$VERSION.tar.bz2                                                   # if you still have no bzip2 use ".gz" instead of ".bz2";
export URL=https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnucash/files/gnucash%20%28stable%29/$VERSION # ;
cd ~/Downloads                                                                            # "~" short for "$HOME" = "/home/<user>";
wget $URL/$TARBALL                                                                        # Download the tarball;
sha256sum $TARBALL                                                                        # Integrity check: Compare the output with the sha256sum from the URL;
mkdir ~/Applications -p
tar -xjvf $TARBALL -C ~/Applications                                                      # extract the tarball below your personal Applications directory;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Installing Google Test;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#cd $HOME/.local/src
#git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git
#cd googletest
#mkdir mybuild
#cd mybuild
#cmake -DBUILD_GMOCK=ON ../       # building gmock builds gtest by default
#make                             # build the static libraries
## the following commands will create environment variables which if set and installed shared or static libraries are not detected will allow CMake to locate the sources and compile them into the prject build.
## These environment variables can be made permanent by copying these commands into $HOME/.profile
#export GTEST_ROOT=$HOME/.local/src/googletest/googletest
#export GMOCK_ROOT=$HOME/.local/src/googletest/googlemock

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Installing Dependencies.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sudo apt install libtool libltdl-dev
sudo apt install libglib2.0 libglib2.0-dev   # glib2 > v2.40.0
sudo apt install icu-devtools libicu-dev
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev            # boost > 1.50.0  - requires locale and regex built with ICU support
sudo apt install guile-2.0 guile-2.0-dev     # guile >=2.0.0
#sudo apt install swig2.0                    # swig  >2.0.10  - swig3.0 on some systems
                                             # not required if building from tarball,
                                             # but required if building from a git clone
sudo apt install libxml2 libxml++2.6-dev libxml2-utils
sudo apt install libxslt1.1 libxslt1-dev
sudo apt install xsltproc
sudo apt install texinfo                     # required for makeinfo
sudo apt install libsecret-1-0

# Only use the next 2 lines if you have not installed [[Google_Test | Google Test]] already.
sudo apt install libgtest-dev                # >=1.7.0
sudo apt install google-mock                 # 1.8.0 installs googlemock in a subdirectory of gtest

sudo apt install gtk+3.0
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev
sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev  # > webkit2gtk-3.0

# Database Backend
sudo apt-get install libdbi1 libdbi-dev          # > v0.8.3
sudo apt-get install libdbd-pgsql                # PostgreSQL database
sudo apt-get install libdbd-mysql                # MySQL database
sudo apt-get install libdbd-sqlite3              # Sqlite database

# OFX File importing
sudo apt-get install libofx-dev   # This will automatically install the corresponding libofx<n> package as well.

# AqBanking
sudo apt-get install aqbanking-tools libaqbanking-dev   # > v4.0.0
sudo apt-get install gwenhywfar-tools libgwenhywfar60 libgwenhywfar60-dev

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build and Install.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cd ~/Applications
mkdir build-gnucash-$VERSION              # create the build directory - Note: Named to identify the source since it is not within the source directory.
cd build-gnucash-$VERSION                 # change into the build directory
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.local -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/.local ../gnucash-$VERSION     # As shown this will install in the .local directory in /home/<user>.  
make                                      # builds the program and associated libraries
make install                              # prefix with sudo if you do install to /usr/local or /opt as admin privileges are required.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Finance:Quote
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sudo perl $HOME/.local/bin/gnc-fq-update
sudo perl $HOME/.local/bin/gnc-fq-check
perldoc -lm Finance::Quote

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Uninstall
# https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Uninstall_Gnucash_Linux.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#cd ~/Applications/build-gnucash-$VERSION            # either the original build directory or the rebuilt version as above.
#make uninstall                                      # prefix with sudo if installed in /usr/local or /opt or another location requiring admin privileges.
  • tab 忽略大小寫
          echo "set completion-ignore-case on" > ~/.inputrc
